Why are we so afraid of even just the concept of making a good living (dare we say get rich) as we work from home?
Mostly it is the training we are given, the way society behaves and what we are taught from babyhood onwards. Don't believe me?
- Conventional wisdom tells us to use the correct spelling because if we don't spell corectly, we can't get our message across. The truth is that you dno't hvae to hvae any of the wdros slepelld clecrroty AS LNOG AS YOU HVAE THE FSIRT AND LSAT LRTTEES CCORRET!
- So much for the spelling myth! Could there be opportunities right in front of our noses that would allow us to work from home that we can't see? We see everything there is to see, don't we? Or do we?
- Ever been to someone's house for a bar-b-que or something and they ask you to go into the kitchen to get the salt shaker in a certain location? Try as you might, you can't see it even after several shouted descriptions and location suggestions. Someone has to come in and literally get the salt shaker from right in front of your nose. What can't you see right now that would let you work from home?
- Are there opportunities right now that are screaming at you and you can't see them?
- What about the tragic car wrecks where a survivor says that the other car "came out of nowhere"? It was there and visible only their minds were on something else.
"Problems cannot be solved by the same mind that created them."How true this is. He could of just as easily have said, "Opportunities cannot be recognized by the same mind that overlooked them." It is also true for all of us that we actually see or acknowledge little of what is around us. Remember the salt shaker analogy and the example using the really bad spelling? Work from home opportunities abound.The self-help gurus tell us to think big, that to think small will yield small results. The truth of the matter is that the greatest triumphs were always composed of little triumphs. Small successes add up to the "overnight success" that took 20 years of hard practice to get just right. Mr. Edison failed literally 10,000 times before making an incandescent light bulb that lasted more than a few hours.
What do you think would happen if you applied that much tenacity to build yourself a work from home business?
To dream big is great. To believe it will happen in one shot is possible, but foolhardy. The way to accomplish the wildest dream is to just start. That's it. Start.
Get going and get started and attack a small market or niche. Conquer it and move on.
Napoleon's army was a small one yet it never lost a battle till Waterloo. What did they have that their opponents didn't have? Better guns and cannon? No, they were basically the same. Their winning technique involved Napoleon's finding a weak spot in a formidable opponent, a small segment of the opposing army that they could isolate and conquer. The technique worked over and over again.
In modern terms, you could say,
"Splash in the puddles, not the ocean."One big lesson to keep in mind as you go about building your online dream of work from home is that the internet is like the gold rush towns of the pioneer days. There is a lot of lawlessness out there. Con artists are everywhere it seems. Everyone has a new snake oil to sell.Although more and more laws are coming about to protect the innocent, you will be wise to keep your eyes open. A great truth on the internet and in life in general is,
"The only free cheese is in the trap."When someone offers you everything you will ever need to create a vast fortune on the internet for the small sum of _____(fill in the blank), hang on tight to your credit card number.This is a sure way to kill your hopes of a work from home enterprise.I have some news for you. The best education you can get on the internet is FREE. You can get a massive education going through the free tutorials at places like Squidoo.com or Hubpages.com. Blogger.com offers great information also for free.
Interesting note: All of these places and many more will host your little website for free. How can they do this for free and why would they want to? I'm tempted to say go through all the tutorials and figure it out, but I won't. You want to start to work from home as soon as possible, right?
See all those little ads that are around this article? Those are called Google ads and they are money makers in the right circumstances. That is one way these places make their money. There are many others.
I only mention this here to encourage you to seek knowledge. It is free. Don't pay for it. Your dream of being self employed from home is a (free) mouse click away.
In conclusion, how do you find your online jobs work from home? Start your own online business. Learn about the internet and how commerce is done electronically. Learn to sell the services you are trained to provide or learn to build a business on things you love to do or on things you believe would do well.
Internet education is the key.
A vast library of free ebooks that will seamlessly guide you to work from home is available at the link below.
Good luck.
Octavien Remillard is an electronics engineer who has been on the road for 40 years designing and servicing every imaginable piece of equipment from mail sorting equipment, lasers, high speed duplicators and microwave equipment. His passion is making complex things easily explained to the lay person. The internet fascinates him. Learn more about creating your own job on the "River Of Gold", the World Wide Web at Online Jobs Work From Home. Download and read the free 200 page encyclopedia of affiliate marketing you will find there. It's a gold mine of information. (There are many other fine FREE ebooks also.) A complete education.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Octavien_J._Remillard Good luck.
Octavien Remillard is an electronics engineer who has been on the road for 40 years designing and servicing every imaginable piece of equipment from mail sorting equipment, lasers, high speed duplicators and microwave equipment. His passion is making complex things easily explained to the lay person. The internet fascinates him. Learn more about creating your own job on the "River Of Gold", the World Wide Web at Online Jobs Work From Home. Download and read the free 200 page encyclopedia of affiliate marketing you will find there. It's a gold mine of information. (There are many other fine FREE ebooks also.) A complete education.
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