Monday, 28 November 2011

Stay At Home Jobs - Not Just For Moms These Days

These days, though, more and more men are choosing stay at home jobs and stay at home work. And while some men are pursuing stay at home jobs and stay at home work to get out of the corporate rat race, many of them are opting to be stay at home dads.
So if you're one of the many women or men, moms or dads, who would love nothing more than to stay at home and work, you'll be happy to know that the options for stay at home jobs and stay at home work are practically endless. And probably the best way to make your dream of a stay at home job a reality is to create your job.
Now how exactly would you create your own stay at home job? Consider starting your own home based business that will enable you to stay at home and work. This greatly increases the options for your stay at home works--and ensures you'll probably enjoy your stay at home job more.
And there are many home based businesses that work well for moms or dads who want to stay at home. You need to first decide, though, just what you're looking for in a work at home job. Do you want to have flexible hours? Do you want to truly stay at home and work as opposed to having a home business that's based in your home, but has you frequently out and about?
If so, then you probably shouldn't start a home based business like an office cleaning service that would require working a fairly strict schedule and being away from home a lot rather than allowing you to stay at home for most of your work. These are also really important considerations if you have children at home because if your stay at home job or home based business has you frequently on the go, then you'll need to have dependable childcare.
This is why more and more couples are opting to stay at home and work together in a home based business. That way, one parent can cover for the other when the stay at home job requires you to be away from home part of the time. Also, many couples share the responsibilities of stay at home jobs and home based businesses. One partner may do the books and paperwork involved with their stay at home job, while the other partner provides the service or product.
Some home based businesses that work great for these couples are catering, craft and hobby related home based businesses, and product sales of some kind. Many men dream of having their own garage or car cleaning service, for example, and these types of home based businesses often provide their significant others stay at home jobs involving accounting and marketing for their home based business. With home based businesses that involve sales, both partners often share the selling and paperwork which means that each gets some time to work at home and some time to interact with other people.
Be careful, though, not to romanticize having a stay at home job or home based business. When you're stressed out by your conventional job or you're yearning to spend more time with the kids, it's easy to get caught up in a fantasy that isn't true. Because stay at home jobs and home based businesses are still work, and it's sometimes are actually harder because it's easier to get distracted from your stay at home job. Too, you need to be sure you're well suited to staying at home and working before you jump off the corporate ladder. But when you are and you find the best stay at home job or home based business for you, you'll never regret taking the leap.
I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.
Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home and Home Based Business.

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