Monday, 28 November 2011

Work At Home Jobs - One Dozen Companies That Hire Telecommuters

Work at home jobs are not for everyone. There are a lot of things to consider before you take on a telecommuting position. You need to look at your current work situation, your home lifestyle, your family's needs and schedules, and last but not least, your skills and experience. Your children will also need to be considered. Do you have little ones at home during the day? Have you taken the needed steps in making sure they are well cared for while you perform your online duties?
Above all, don't for a minute think that a real "job" online is easy peasy. It is NOT. It's just like brick and mortar. You have to work hard to earn your wages! Please keep this in mind when you start out with your journey for home employment.
You will need patience when considering (successfully) working at home, along with a good dose of reality. These are not chances of getting rich quick, as you've seen those promises from a host of scammy thieves, but honest ways to make money from home. If you are looking for some sort of set and forget type of thing, you are reading the wrong article, as they are not offered here.
You also need discipline when you work at home. When you telecommute, you work for someone else and most of the time, this means their schedule. Also do you know WHERE to look for these home based gems? Half the battle is won when you know exactly where to look. Also, have an open mind when searching. There are a lot of variations of positions that are legitimately offered. A few will offer paid training, although most will not. For some, you will need specific knowledge and skills. Keep that in mind when reading on the following sites.
Below are one dozen companies to start your search
* (Teletech) 

The work at home sites listed above are all legitimate, so you'll not have to worry about doing research for them. However, you WILL need to consistently check back with them to find out if they are currently hiring. Unfortunately, just because a site is legitimate doesn't mean they are always hiring. So, don't lose heart! Keep checking back. I suggest to check at least monthly, if not, weekly. You will also need to keep a careful record of which companies you've applied with. I find wordpad or notepad works well for me with staying organized with my information.
One Final Tip: Always keep a positive attitude. Successful people didn't get far with doubtful thinking. Keep looking and applying, then search some more. Also the list above is just one dozen, there are plenty more. Make Google a good friend and perform your searches from there.
Wishing you much success!
Article Written By Tammy Embrich
Tammy has been successful in the work at home industry for many years. She is an Internet marketer, article marketer, and ghostwriter. She offers free job leads for the job seeker, as well as other work at home resources, work at home articles, tips, and more at Work At Home Jobs.
You can also find Tammy at Work At Home Job Leads, offering legitimate work at home companies, more free job leads, work at home articles, and much more.

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