As women whether you have a partner or not it's felt that you as the mother have the main responsibility when it comes to looking after the children even if you have the most supportive of partners some how it all comes down to your ability to Juggle work home and love life.
Generally when you have children your options regarding work are stay at home and give your full attention to your children, although this is great for the kids and let's face it its brilliant as a child when you come home from school and your mum's there ready with dinner and a loving hug. It's often not as fulfilling for the mother especially if you previously had an exciting work life. Not to say that looking after your little angels is not exciting but it is a different kind of excitement that only the feeling of work can fill.
Many women often find that after years of looking after their children getting back into work is hard especially in this economic climate as jobs are few and far between and in many cases the confidence level has dropped after being out of the work place, in many cases for years. As our society, wrongly in my opinion does not value the work of a mother and housewife she can often feel devalued as a person which sometimes leads to a drop in the confidence levels.
The other option is to return to work after giving birth, although this option may fulfill your career aspirations many mother's often are left feeling guilty for leaving their little ones with child minder or grandparents but this often means you feel as if your missing a lot from their formative years and our latch key society is promoted through this option. There are thousands of single parent homes in the UK where children who are too young to look after themselves are nonetheless left unsupervised until their mothers return from work. In most cases these mothers have no option but to go to work as bills have to be paid and children have to be fed.
So what is the solution to working around the kids?
The Answer is Work from home.
This could be starting you own business or working for some one else often on a self-employed basis. The advantage is that you can work your own hours to fit around the kids. You don't have to commute to and from work which means that you can be around to pack them off to school and see them when they come back again. Your schedule is dictated by your self so the guilt of going to work is none existent and you also get to be involved on every level with you kids.
How do you choose your home based career?
First you have to decide if you want to have a job or whether you want to use this opportunity to start your own business. If you want a job then you might have to enroll on some sort of course which will bring your computer skills up to scratch or a course on any other type of skill. There are customer service type jobs that you can do from home which will mean that you have a land line and an internet connection. Go to Google and type in "Customer care jobs working from home". You will get a whole list of companies looking for home workers. Other options are working as a virtual secretary typing letters etc again search Google or just advertise your services on-line or in your local paper.
Alternatively you can start your own business. First you have to decide what the business will be. Work out what your passion is. What are you good at and how that can translate in to a real money-making business. Maybe you're a great dress-maker or you can make curtains and cushions what about tutoring? What skill do you have that you can teach other people? Is it something you can do online or is it going to be face to face.
The advantage of setting up an online business is obvious in that you can have the ability to reach a lot more people everything can be done entirely online and can be set up so that it makes money for you even when you're a sleep, this is in my opinion the smart way of doing business from home, however the problem with this is in order to set up a business that works automatically you have to have a lot of knowledge i.e. How to build a website, how to set up an auto responder to do your follow-up emails, How to do good copy writing and to understand the psychology behind any successful sales funnel and quite frankly a lot of other stuff that would take a long time and a great deal of effort to learn over many years. The solution to that is to get some one else to put these things in place for you but then we come up against the next problem in order to set up all these systems you would need to pay a lot of money and most people who are looking to set up business online are in a lot of cases not able to come up with the kind of funds that would be needed for a project like this.
The other issue is how you then market your business so that you have customers looking for what you're selling; again it takes time effort and money.
If you have limited cash and limited knowledge but you want to live the dream of being self-employed to make real money online what do you do?
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Article Source: Check out this resource
Watch the video of two guys who have come up with a great concept that takes the ordinary person and gives them all the tools which gives you an extra ordinary life working from home.
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