By Annette Cole
I am writing this article because my dearest wish is that all children and mothers can experience what I and my brother had growing up - having quality time with our Mum! This is because Mum knew that there is work for mums at home to do whilst being there for us and Dad! Her family was her top priority and I am sure yours is too, so I am dedicating this article to my own late beautiful Mum, Myra.
All children need their mothers and fathers - all day, every day and not just when they can be slotted into a 'schedule'. Nor should families be subject to the control of bosses. Mothers are very special people. And, yes, there is already work for mums at home to do - mostly unpaid cash wise but the reward for this is love. However, daily expenses dictate that mums must also do "paid" work just to make ends meet. This puts a tremendous burden and pressure on mum resulting in the children suffering due to their mum having so much to do and so little time to do it in.
There is an ideal solution! There is work for mums at home that they can have the best of both worlds - quality time with their children and get an income to pay for their day-to-day living expenses (or, just for a few little luxuries that hard working mums deserve!)
To find your ideal job, start by thinking about what special talent that you already have or something that you enjoy doing? For example are you good are at craft work, sewing, cooking (baking, jam making, preserves), are you good on the telephone, or do you have good computer/typing skills.
If so then, you could telemarketing sales from home (do it for a charity if you prefer), do data entry work, make craft items for sale, do ironing for other people, make clothes, make jam and other cooked items - these you can then sell in a variety of ways.
Or maybe you have always had a secret desire to create and make your own product that provides a solution to a problem you have encountered.
So to all you dear mums out there, please, for the sake of yourself and your families, go and find yourselves one of those jobs that provide work for mum at home to do - get the whole family involved too!!
Please visit my blog on where I intend to give more information, tips, and advice on setting up your own home based business. I look forward to assisting you in gaining financial freedom and enabling you and your family to have a great life - the one that you deserve! Kind regards, Annette Cole
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