By Wendy Pan
The most important thing to know when looking for part time jobs at home is to make sure you don't get scammed. There are legitimate companies that you can work for right from the comfort of your own home, but there are just as many scam artists out there waiting to take advantage of you. First and foremost, the general rule of thumb among independent contractors that work from home is NEVER pay for work. If you get a job offer which says you need to send X amount of dollars in order to get the job, just move on. It's not real work. You'll send them your check and never hear from them again.
So, what can you do to find work you can do from home? Finding part time jobs at home can be time consuming, but it is not impossible. Some very legitimate, paying jobs that you can do from home include writing, transcription, and marketing.
Writing can take some time. It will take a lot of research to find the different websites and magazines that hire freelance writers. In the beginning it's definitely not the steadiest of work. But if you're just looking to make a little extra pocket change, it may be worth a shot.
Transcription is currently a very hot market for those looking to work from home. When hired as a transcriptionist you will receive audio files through your email or an FTP server. You listen to the audio and type what you hear in a Word document. There are three types of transcription: general, medical, and legal. To work in medical or legal transcription you do need an education in those fields. However, general transcription does not require any formal education. You do need excellent and fast typing skills and excellent an excellent grasp of grammar. You'll also need to purchase a foot pedal and headset for your computer. The best part about transcription is usually as long as you meet your deadlines you can work whenever you want.
Marketing part time jobs at home can be business to business or business to consumer marketing. Some of the jobs are incoming calls and some of them are outgoing calls. The downside to this type of job is you usually are on a set shift with the company, rather than working when you want.
Wendy Pan is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about part time jobs at home [], please visit Perfect Home Business Now [] for current articles and discussions.
Article Source: To learn more about part time jobs at home [], please visit Perfect Home Business Now [] for current articles and discussions.
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