Those that are not highly skilled will not be able to apply for a work permit themselves. Only employers can apply for a work permit. These employers need to prove the chosen candidate is experienced enough to be granted a work permit, or that they have a UK degree equivalent qualification, NVQ at level III or above or a HND level occupation.
As well as the ability to work with equivalent qualifications employees also need to prove they have tried at great lengths to employ an EEA resident including advertisements in the paper, advertisements in the local job centre, internet advertising and have allowed four weeks for any responses.
There are some jobs that do not need to be advertised before an employer applies for a work permit. These are positions of high level executive and positions on a board of directors where the migrant would be reporting directly to the board of directors. There are lots of skilled positions on the official shortage list which also fall into this category. These include the healthcare profession including Doctors, Dentists and Consultants, teachers for all subjects which are covered by compulsory schooling. Another category on the official shortage list is all work in the Ground Engineering and general engineering sector. Also veterinany surgeons are also needed.
If you fall into any of these categories you should certainly be successful in gaining a UK work permit. The actual process is relatively easy and shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to complete. Once an online application form (WP1) is filled out it will need to be sent to the Home Office Border and Immigration Agency in order for it to be improved. You will need to send copies of all academic/professional qualifications. Your past employer's references covering, ideally, the last 5 years your employment. A signed contract if applicable and the employer's proof that they have been trying to find employers in the UK, by copies of the advertisements. (This is only if the job in question is not in the official shortage list.)
Once your work permit has been granted the original document will be sent to you by your employer as you will need it in your possession before you enter the UK. You will also need to present your documents, your work permit, passport and any necessary Visas to the immigration officer based at the port of entry. Once you have done this you will be granted entry for the duration of the work permit. However if you are classed as a visa national you simply just need to arrive in the UK with your work permit and your passport, it should be noted that your passport needs to be valid for at least six months from your date of entry into the UK. If you are not classed as a visa national you will need to apply for an Entry Clearance Visa at your nearest British Embassy based in your home country.
Carolyn is the webmaster of Immigration consult, experts in UK Work Permits [] and HSMP Visa [].
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