By R Oberoi
Part time accounting jobs from home are now getting into the list of job seekers who want to earn money along with their studies, family or regular work. It is also a good option of earning extra money from your regular work that can be used to pay credit card bills and all that extra expenses. Part time job need less working hours per week than the regular full time job and moreover these offer flexible working hours which is an additional benefit of these jobs. Generally an employee who is working for less than 30-35 hours per week is considered to be working as a part time employee. But the number of hours vary from country to country. In Canada it is less than 30 hours and in USA the hours are between 1 to 35 hours per week.
Types of Part Time Accounting Jobs
Almost all the accounting jobs can be part time or full time but the one at executive level and which is required to be done independently are more likely to come in this category. These are
The salary component really depends upon your area of expertise, years of experience and education. The salary is given on per hour basis or per visit basis which can vary from $10 to $20 per hour. Like the salary for bookeeper and tax preparer is between $7.75 - $12.00/hour although it can go up to $ 16 per hour. Accounting clerk working part time can get some where $13.00 to $14.00 per hour.To grab these opportunities you can search the websites of the recruiters that are affiliated with the clients or you can contact the placement agencies directly close to your area that offer these jobs. Apart from this you can also check the employment papers and classifieds for the jobs in order to grab the best suited accounting job for you.
Types of Part Time Accounting Jobs
Almost all the accounting jobs can be part time or full time but the one at executive level and which is required to be done independently are more likely to come in this category. These are
- Financial Consultant
- Book Keeper or Tax Preparer
- College Faculty
- Bank Teller
- Financial Representative
- Accounting Generalist
- Accounting Clerk
- Internal Auditor
- This gives you the necessary experience once you want to start your career in full time job.
- Also if you are having a family that cannot be left for the full day then part time job can be a nice option for you to stay in touch with your career
- You can also do part time accounting job along with your regular job to earn extra money for your extra expenses.
The salary component really depends upon your area of expertise, years of experience and education. The salary is given on per hour basis or per visit basis which can vary from $10 to $20 per hour. Like the salary for bookeeper and tax preparer is between $7.75 - $12.00/hour although it can go up to $ 16 per hour. Accounting clerk working part time can get some where $13.00 to $14.00 per hour.To grab these opportunities you can search the websites of the recruiters that are affiliated with the clients or you can contact the placement agencies directly close to your area that offer these jobs. Apart from this you can also check the employment papers and classifieds for the jobs in order to grab the best suited accounting job for you.
R Oberoi is associated with Manpower from India and recommends for further reading & information on job scenario and jobs.
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