By Don Penven
It's not like there are no opportunities out there. There is work to be had but unfortunately very few Stay-At-Home Moms know where to find it.
Or maybe the idea of running a business from home is a bit frightening. Running a home-based business is sooo complicated-well isn't it?
USA Today article...
Not so say many articles in some of the most-read national magazines. Here's what a recent USA Today stay-at-home-mom says, "I can still feel I'm a productive member of society and bring in an income, but my children have never gotten off the bus and not had a parent there...How many parents can say that?"
Today's digital technology has advanced to the point that hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are making a comfortable living using one tool-the computer. And the truly wonderful part of working from home is that there are jobs the average Joe or Jane can do without remortgaging your home or borrowing money from a rich relative.
Internet Businesses are Flourishing
Internet-based businesses are flourishing-and the field is wide open. Yes there is competition, but the demand from billions of daily searches on the Internet shows us that if you can offer an honest product or service-you can earn enough to keep the bills paid on time with some left over.
What it costs to be an affiliate marketer
Among the many opportunities available, I chose affiliate marketing-here's why:
1. I started my home-based business with NO cash outlay.
2. I registered as an affiliate with the world's leading vendor of electronic products-ClickBank (electronic books and computer software). The best part of this is that I never deal with the customer and the vendor ships the product to the purchaser immediately after credit card approval.
3. I selected the ClickBank products I felt comfortable with. They have over 12,000. This didn't cost me anything.
4. So how do I let the word know what I am offering? You are reading an example of how our get the word out. I write and post brief articles like this one and I post them on the Internet for free. I have no advertising costs.
So what kind of TALENT is needed to be an affiliate marketer?
It is not a matter of talent. It does take a measure of skill, but skills can be learned!
I am not a computer teckie.
But affiliate marketing isn't technically complicated. Basic e-mail skills will get you up and running.
But I've never sold anything
I am not a born salesman-far from it. I have assembled a number of bicycles and countless toys for my four children, and I did it by following the basic instructions. And the instructions you need, should you want to give affiliate marketing a try, are readily available.
I have spent far too much money in trying to choose the coaching plan I needed. It was hit or miss after several attempts. But then I was introduced to Jennifer, a stay-at-home mom who literally reinvented the affiliate marketing wheel. She has given me the basics -to the more complex ideas. I started at the bottom of the ladder and have been working my way up to being financially independent with Jennifer's help. She's willing to help anyone who is willing to spend a few hours each day, that is willing to learn at a consistent pace and that is determined to provide a more secure life for one's family. Visit my website HERE and learn more. I'll show you how to Get In Touch With Jennifer. More Information is HERE!
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