Working from home is one of the best way for a college student to make money. You work when ever you have time and you don't need to commute. All you need is a computer, internet connection and you set your hours.
I was introduced to drop shipping about 3 years ago when I used to work for a computer company. The company had a e-commerce website were they would place computer parts for sale. Once a customer would place an order, my company would contact there drop shipper and provide them with the shipping information and the item the customer placed.
My company was getting incredible discounts for these computer parts. There commission was the difference between the the price of the drop shipper and the price they set on the website.
I thought in my mind "I could be doing this myself from home". I did some research and found how to make money doing the same thing through eBay. I wouldn't need a website and I could have access to the hundreds of loyal buyers one eBay.
I basically open an account, found some drop shippers that gave me access to thousand of items way below the retail price and started listing.
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