Genuine work-at-home jobs do exist. And yes, with just a computer and Internet access, you're half way there! But it's important to know that anyone who wants to be able to make money in a job working from home must be willing to WORK. Yes, genuine work at home jobs aren't "sit around and watch the money pour in" jobs! So to be successful and make it all the way, you need to be a self-starter who is serious, organized and creative.
Do you really believe those ads you see about earning thousands by just sending a couple of emails? Working from home on any real Internet-based activity means that you have to put in the hours to see the results. Of course, that's the beauty of working from home. You put in the hours that you want and when you want. If you just need a bit more spending money here and there, you can make money with a minimum number of hours. No stress, no objectives.
To the other extreme, you can decide that you want to make working at home a full-time job and a revenue-making activity. This is absolutely possible. Legitimate work at home opportunities are out on the market. It's up to you to do the research and see what suits your needs. But there are a couple of things that you can consider right off.
First of all, you don't need to spend millions to earn millions. Don't go off buying every book that's out there to get "THE" major tip that will make you rich. Sorry to shatter your dreams, but if you have a genuine work at home job, you still have to work, remember? But instead of working for someone else, you're working for yourself. Which means that instead of putting just a percentage into your pocket, whatever you earn goes to YOU and your hard work!
Yes, you got it. The more you work, the more you can earn. Fabulous, isn't it? So you organize yourself the way YOU want. You work as much (or as little) as YOU want. You are YOUR own boss. But if you choose one book to read, go ahead and try it. Follow it to the letter and don't get discouraged. You were warned from the beginning that it takes work to earn money, and a genuine work at home job doesn't make you rich in 24 hours.
So that brings me to the second point. There are many ways that you can make money from home. Genuine work at home jobs do exist. But you have to do some research and, like with any job, choose the opportunity that suits your schedule, your needs and your goals. Your first job is to decide why you want to work from home, how often you can work and how much you'd like to make in revenue. From there, you can go ahead and browse the Internet to see what is being offered and compare the opportunity to your needs. Bookmark the page that interest you and you can come back to them to consider or try at any time.
So for tip number three: don't just sit for hours contemplating. The only way you'll know if working at home is for you - or if you can make money from working at home - is GOING FOR IT! Try it out. Don't spend millions before you make millions. Choose ONE program and understand how it works. As you make money, you can then reinvest to add more tools and enlarge your potential. Genuine work at home jobs mean that you're constantly learning and updating your knowledge. It's rewarding psychologically, but also financially! The best of both worlds!
Here are two programs that interested me. They have helped so many people understand what genuine work at home jobs are and have allowed many people to be successful and independent. Actually, the people aren't successful because of the books or programs but because these people are "do-ers" and have followed the tips and methods provided. As we said, success depends on YOU and what you do with the information that you receive.
PotPieGirl (Jennifer) is a true success story that is worth digging into. Jennifer started out with a computer, Internet access, and an enthusiasm to learn and change her life. She made it. And she's put down what she's learned on paper to share with others. There's enough business out there for all of us!
Dave Bullock also has 7DayProfits that has a lot of good tips. If you'd like to start out slowly, without feeling guilty about spending money to get started, go for Dave's program. It's not expensive and is worth every penny.
Then, when you're more confident and when you've earned a bit, you can go ahead and buy PotPieGirl's One Week Marketing Guide. And then you can mix and match and keep learning about how to improve your business and increase earnings!
If you want to learn more about how to create a genuine work at home job by using Jennifer's or Dave's method, visit two Squidoo lenses for more information:
There is some FREE information about how to get started that will allow you to choose the right program for you. Tons of people have done it. Go ahead and take advantage of their experience and replicate their success. Genuine work at home jobs do exist if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and get down to work. Visit the two Squidoo lenses and share your experience with home based jobs in the Guestbook. You surely have all of the qualities it takes. Now it's up to you to move forward and be successful.
Rebecca Kimski is an Internet Marketing Consultant with business experience in American and European companies.
There is some FREE information about how to get started that will allow you to choose the right program for you. Tons of people have done it. Go ahead and take advantage of their experience and replicate their success. Genuine work at home jobs do exist if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and get down to work. Visit the two Squidoo lenses and share your experience with home based jobs in the Guestbook. You surely have all of the qualities it takes. Now it's up to you to move forward and be successful.
Rebecca Kimski is an Internet Marketing Consultant with business experience in American and European companies.
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