Thursday, 5 January 2012

Working From Home to Save the Planet

I find that companies often overlook the most obvious of solutions. I work for an Engineering company that does a lot of work within the town that I live in.
However I actually work in a different country and travel by plane each week to get there and yet I was turned down for a position only 9 miles from my home I could not believe this possible. Often I have sat in large traffic jams on Friday night going home either up the motorway in the UK and then watching the same traffic on Sunday driving down to the jobs in the south.
Is it not possible to offer either an incentive or something to be able to perform people's employment in the area they live? I find that the economy is driving to us to use up endless amounts off effort and spending more time away from home when the electronics and communications available can make this a thing of the past.
Most people's jobs involve either computer work which can be done anywhere and the web cam technology and advances such as faxes and PDF document transfer can make communication of all necessary documents possible. I would much prefer to lose the travel time that I waste at airports and traffic queues to be at home and also the amount of wasted resources in terms of Petrol that is wasted sitting idle on the road.
Being able to perform all my work at home or within a reasonable commuter distance would help to maintain a social stability. I find that being able to be home would make my family life more acceptable experience instead of rushing to get everything done before moving off again after the weekend to work away from home.
The time at the weekend for migrating workers like me disappears in the blink of an eye and there is never enough time to complete all tasks.
The family is what has to suffer the balance between what money working away brings in to the quality time that can be spent with the family. When I started off life I looked forward to a job with air travel and other places to stay and now that I'm approaching 40 years old I find that the energy has zapped away from me and that being away from home and traveling so much is a real drag.
I'm aiming now to change the way I do things I'm looking for a job closer to home or to work from home even if this means a rate reduction there is more benefit to me and my health to be home and maybe find the most important part is to be able to create online income that can maybe supplement the income I would make working locally and therefore not reduce the level of lifestyle I'm currently use too.
Having an online business is a very tricky area to go into but there are many opportunities from affiliates to AdSense to other forms of selling via eBay etc.
I suggest people start to do a lot more research into these opportunities and find out how they can maybe reduce the travel time that they waste during commuting.
I have now established several website outlets so I'm starting to see the light at end of the tunnel and maybe end the nightmare of never ending commuting.
Andy Bolton 41 Liverpool UK England
Automation Engineer | Divemaster | Website Designer | Musician | Hot Air Balloonist | Author Mostly Harmless, Enjoy Travelling and trying new gadgets.

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